We are the service provider that means we provide only service to sell your product online. we only list the product provided by the seller/vendor in their e-commerce account.
Seller/vendor are responsible to pay their all fees and charges(like marketing fees, transaction charges, final value fees and other charges etc.) for their e-commerce account.
Once the pack selected by seller/vendor can be change only after 30 days by giving the 3-5 days prior notice.
Seller are responsible for any claim regarding their product wrong information provided by the seller.
The company not responsible for cancelled item/order by the company due to shortage of quantity.
In case of branded product listing vendors/seller have to provide GST paid bill of purchasing of that item with brand name.
The payment of sold product is transfer to vendors/seller account in different time period which is according to the e-commerce company remittance rules.
The company can change the price of package/ number of orders/ start up fees with one month of prior notice to seller.
Product amount is remit in your account after that deduction of fees by the e-commerce company and rest of the payment paid by the seller/vendors to e-commerce company itself.
The company term & conditions can be change according to company policy.